Self-service Design

Who We Are

GitPOAP is awarding POAPs to the contributors of software projects central to the Ethereum ecosystem, such as Open Zeppelin, Hardhat, web3.js,,, and many others.

POAP, if you are not familiar, stands for Proof of Attendance Protocol. POAPs are NFTs that represent an action that you’ve taken, event attended, etc.

Our initial issuance product is ‘Annual Contributor POAPs’ (AGs), going back in history to the beginning of each project. Anyone who contributed code on a given year will get that year’s POAP. We exist to create a novel way to nurture the relationship between software projects and their developers by minting NFTs for meaningful contributions.

We will soon be releasing a new product, ‘Custom GitPOAPs’ (CGs), stay tuned for more information!

Design Guidelines & Requirements

GitPOAP designs are meant to evoke the core idea or ethos of the project with a combination of the branding and visual style.

We’ve created a Canva GitPOAP design template located here to provide an easy way to create a nice design if you’re in a pinch!

Aesthetic Requirements

GitPOAP Design Template - Google Drive

Technical Requirements
